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SwordSearcher Bible Software is People's Choice Award Winning software, voted on by thousands of people in the general public in over 80 different countries at the annual Software Industry Conference. SwordSearcher Bible Study Software provides users with many tools to enhance Bible study. SwordSearcher has an intuitive interface that is easy to learn and use, for both devotional and in-depth Bible study. Now there are additional library resources, including the original 1611 edition of the King James (Authorized) Bible, Matthew Poole's complete Bible commentary, and more for students of Christianity. In addition to making Bible searches fast and simple, SwordSearcher includes a Topic and Verse Guide function designed to make accessing a vast amount of library material as simple as typing in a verse reference or subject. A user of the software can specify any verse reference or passage to study, and SwordSearcher will instantly show them every book, commentary, topical, or dictionary resource that references the verse or passage. SwordSearcher's Bible display presents Bible text in a columnar format with links to reference material to the side of each verse. While browsing Bible text, any verse that inspires desire for further study can be deeply researched with just a few clicks, often completely removing the need for text searching altogether. SwordSearcher's library includes over 50 library resources, including commentaries, topical guides, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other books, and hundreds of maps, charts, and illustrations. New in Version 6.2 Bullinger Companion Bible notes and appendixes. * New! Bible Audio support for verse-level, synchronized scrolling, and verse-list playback of AMG Publishers' Alexander Scourby Narration of the KJV, chapter playback of Max McLean's Listener Bible, Stephen Johnston's from Firefighters.org, and support for many other MP3 Bible narrations. Much, much more!


Product Description

People's Choice award winner! Bible search instantly: You will find Bible verses instantaneously, immediately seeing every verse you are looking for with any given word, group of words, or phrase.

Easily share Bible verses in email or other documents: You will improve your productivity by allowing SwordSearcher to copy Bible verses into your documents for you. Whether you are writing a letter in Word or composing an email, inserting the text of a verse is just a few key presses away.

Product Features

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Instantly find all relevant study material by verse reference: You will research references on a Bible verse or passage quickly, because SwordSearcher's library is indexed by Bible verse. All you do is tell SwordSearcher's Verse Guide the verse or passage you need indexed, and instantly you will have every entry in each book, topical guide, dictionary, or commentary that references that verse.

For Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, and Windows XP

Product Details

Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces

Know what is available at a glance: You will see at a glance the available reference material for each verse, because SwordSearcher displays links to relevant reference material next to each verse.

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